Tag: New Work

How to become a Process Influencer with Andreas Bierwirth from ABmotion

#024: Andreas and I discuss what is a Process Influencer, what are some of the hard and soft skills required and the importance of video content to be successful in this role.

How to apply “storylistening” to rethink processes with Astrid Kirchhoff from hummingbirds

#023: Astrid and I discuss the importance of incorporating positive emotions, attentive listening, and emotional data in process modeling for creating human-centric processes.

How EPC supports you to rethink processes with Scott Armstrong from Interfacing

#022: The search for a human-centric BPM tool continues with Interfacing’s Enterprise Process Center and an interview with Scott Armstrong.

Don’t miss these New Process topics for 2023

#021: Learn more about the top topics of the New Process community as well as the recommendations by BPM thought leaders for 2023.

How to develop a process strategy with Lars Linnekogel from TTE Strategy

#020: Explore how to develop a strategy in general and how to apply this to develop a process strategy.

How Q.wiki supports you to rethink processes with Vincent Fischer from Modell Aachen GmbH

#019: It’s worth listening to this episode just to get to know the Viking. – But there is much more exciting to learn about Q.wiki.

What life of a real Process Architect looks like with Christoph Bünker from Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services

#018: You asked for it and here it is: an interview with a real Process Architect! Enjoy! 🚀

Win a New Process Calendar! 🚀

For many years, I had a little 3-month Lufthansa calendar on my desk. These little calendars were always in short supply and it was a challenge to get one. And when Covid hit us, it was even harder. Last year, a colleague even had to design one himself, since there were no more official calendars.

How aiio supports you to rethink processes with Rolf-Dieter Proch and Jobst von Heintze from aiio GmbH

#017: Join me to explore the BPM tool aiio – which is integrated into Microsoft 365 – in the interview with Rolf-Dieter Proch and Jobst von Heintze.

Gamification ideas to inspire people for processes with Jasmin Karatas

#016: Jasmin explains how to develop gamifications. – This opens up a whole new world for me to inspire people for processes!