Tag: New Work

How can a New Process Life Cycle look like? – Put purpose first!

Today, I used all your valuable feedback on the New Process Checklist to push it to the next level. As a result, I came up with the idea of a New Process Life Cycle which starts with “Create purpose” as initial phase.

Inspire people for excellent processes

“Inspire people for excellent processes: We enable people for process management and create the basis for excellent processes by implementing the process management fundamentals.” As a result of the #NewProcess sessions two weeks ago, I added this to the list of theses to be taken into account for rethinking processes. But how can we inspire people for…
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Learnings of the second online exchange on #NewProcess

After finishing the second exchange on #NewProcess, I would like to share my learnings with you: It’s all about the purpose: Everybody should know WHY  a specific process is in place and what benefits it creates. – Something that has been neglected for far too long. When involving the people, different cultures should be taken…
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Insights of first online exchange on #NewProcess

We have just finished the first online exchange session on #NewProcess and I would like to share my insights with you: – The symbiosis of Process Management and New Work to focus on the people seems to be straight forward, but often forgotten in real life. – As a basic, people have to be aware of processes.…
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#NewProcess: A look into the future of process management

In recent years, I have repeatedly had the feeling that things cannot go on like this in process management and that the next leap is necessary. The methods have become more and more sophisticated over the past 20 years and the level of maturity of organizations using process management has increased continuously. Nevertheless, my inner…
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