I’m thrilled that 27 process enthusiasts took the time to complete my survey and to share their thoughts on 2022 process management topics. – You guys are amazing and I want to thank you so much for that!
The focus of the survey was to find out what topics you are currently concerned with in terms of process management. Five topics were identified as the top challenges, but one issue is by far the biggest challenge.

The top ranked topic “How to inspire people for process management” is at the core of the New Process approach and the other four topics are highly interrelated to the New Process Life Cycle, especially within the process design phase.
In addition to the top five topics, there are 14 other areas such as process design, maturity models, metrics, or modeling mentioned that also keep the community busy, but were mentioned by far fewer participants.
In the following, I would like to dive into the top five topics in more detail:
How to inspire people for process management
Around 60 percent of participants are currently facing the challenge of getting an organization excited about process management. Starting with the establishment of a basic process mindset, through understanding and empowerment for process management, to demonstrating the actual benefits at all levels of the organization. – The question of how to get people excited about managing processes arises again and again.
A first idea to tackle this challenge is to have a look at the New Process Principle “Inspire people for excellent processes” and to deep dive into the topic of Process Purpose.
How to manage and improve processes
“The processes are modeled, but how do we proceed now?” is one of the questions, one of the participants posted. The challenge of how to actively manage processes, for example within the framework of a process life cycle, is on the minds of one-third of the participants. A major focus here is on the continuous improvement of processes.
To learn more on how to manage and improve processes, I recommend having a closer look into the New Process Toolbox.
How to design process architecture and model processes
Likewise, one-third of the participants see issues relating to process architecture and process modeling as a challenge in 2022: How to design the process architecture? How to define end-to-end processes? How to find the right level of detail for process modeling?
From my point of view, the design of an organizations process architecture as well as the modeling of its processes highly depends on the purpose of process management and process documentation itself. Setting up a proper system belongs to the fundamentals of business process management and some thoughts on this can be found here.
How to apply process mining
Surprisingly, only 26 percent of respondents see this topic as a field of action for 2022. Actually, I would have expected process mining to be a much more frequent topic for 2022, since I perceive it as a big hype at the moment. Nevertheless, it is one of the top five topics and it is of course a great method to identify process improvement potential.
I see it as a fundamental part of the design phase, which I will certainly look at more closely in the coming year.
How to facilitate digital transformation
Not only in order to win the Bullshit Bingo, the topic of digital transformation must of course not be missed. Digital transformation and, in particular, the automation of processes is a topic for 22 percent of participants in 2022. I consider this to be highly relevant, especially regarding the people working in the processes, and I will try to contribute with New Process to raise awareness for the needs of the people in the processes.
The New Process Life Cycle provides a holistic approach to successfully support digital transformation processes.
In the coming weeks I will try to understand what you are interested in detail in these topics and how I can support you. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me to discuss them.
In addition to identifying the relevant topics, your inputs are a great support to sort my thoughts and to prioritize the New Process activities for the upcoming year. Already at the top of the list are three topics that I would like to tackle for 2022 to support you in the best possible way:
New Process Community & Toolbox:
I would love to extend the community features as well as the toolbox on NewProcessLab.com to support exchange of know-how with other process enthusiasts, and to provide you with more tools, methods, and best practices along the New Process Life Cycle.
New Process Booster
After the first session already took place last summer, there will be an updated New Process Booster in 2022 to provide you with New Process methods and tools in a very condensed time in a live session to help you rethink processes. If you would like to join, sign up for the waiting list here.
New Process Podcast
I’ve been fascinated by the idea of a New Process Podcast for quite some time, and there’s been a lot of good input from you on how it might look like more specific.
To further explore the New Process Podcast and the other topics, there will certainly be more New Process Think Tanks in 2022 to work together on the issues.
As you can see, there are many exciting topics for 2022 and New Process seems to be developing into a fundamental part of “Plan A” for my professional future, whereby I would like to think transformation even more holistically and bring in my core competencies even more.
Let’s find out where the journey will take us in 2022. In any case, I wish you every success in your challenges!
I am happy to answer your questions and I am looking forward to rethinking processes with you! 🚀
Have a great day!
2 Responses
I like the idea of a podcast and would definitely listen to it. Go for it (and if you need some help in getting started please reach out).
Thank you very much, Roland! 🙂