Tag: BPM

Boost employee engagement with interactive management systems with Carsten Behrens

#056 Let’s talk about interactive management systems and why it should be given more attention.

2 BPM Nerds on Tools, AI & Humans with Martin Holling

#055 Just two BPM nerds talking about nerdy BPM stuff

Maker Methodology x New Process Life Cycle

In the latest episode of the New Process Podcast, I spoke to Martin Hochreiter and Tobias Zucali, the founders of “mkrz lab” that gets people to think with their hands. But where can we apply the Maker Methodology? Is it really only in the implementation phase or can it also be used in other steps of the New Process Life Cycle? Check out the video for their explanation.

Three recommendations to rethink processes with your hands

In the latest episode of the New Process Podcast, I spoke to Martin Hochreiter and Tobias Zucali, the founders of “mkrz lab” that gets people to think with their hands. But how can this be combined with BPM? What advantages can we draw from this for the New Process approach? Check out the video for their recommendations to rethink processes.

Biggest challenges in developing a strong BPM culture in an organization

In the latest episode of the New Process Podcast, I spoke to Amelie Langenstein about the topic Process culture. She shares her insights on what makes a strong process culture, the challenges organizations face, and practical ways to foster a supportive and effective BPM environment.

How to create a good Process Culture with Amelie Langenstein

#053 Let’s find out what a Process Culture is and how to develop a good Process Culture in your organization.

State of New Process 2024

#052 Let’s recap New Process after 2 years and give an outlook on the upcoming episodes.

A journey to process-orientation with Lars Müller from Lufthansa Technik

#051 Let’s have a look at the road to process orientation at a big organization like Lufthansa Technik

Learnings and improvements from the journey to process orientation at Lufthansa Technik with Lars Müller

I always put a lot of emphasis on exchanging ideas with others. Not only to benefit from other people’s knowledge, but also from the experience gained in similar projects. Maybe you can benefit directly, avoid similar mistakes, or adapt planned steps. So it was really cool to speak to my former colleague Lars Müller in the latest episode of the New Process Podcast about the development of procurement process management at Lufthansa Technik in the last few years. In the video below, he shares what he learned from this process and what he would like to improve.