Inspiring Ideas to Rethink Processes from Hello.Beta Live
#040 Let’s dive into the insights from the Hello.Beta Live event, featuring 7 dynamic mini-interviews exploring the forefront of New Work and Transformation.
In this episode, we take a special journey through the Hello.Beta Live event, featuring seven interviews with fascinating people exploring new work and transformation.
From the importance of building resilient organizational structures to intergenerational leadership, this episode covers a wide range of topics. We discuss encouraging honest discussion and emotion in the workplace, and how artificial intelligence tools can help innovate processes. We also explore the critical role of psychological safety in the workplace. Let’s dive into the future of work together!
Today’s Guests:
I got to talk to seven great people that evening:
- Adrian Gerigk, the moderator of the event
- Lara Hahn and Nicolas Stemmler about the importance of resilience systems, both are consultants at IOS the Institute for Organizational Development and Systemic Consulting in Hamburg
- Leona Holzbecher from Siemens Healthineers about leading across generations
- Katharina Pletl about three simple questions on how a transformation really hurts, Katharina is working at AKDB, an institution for municipal data processing in Bavaria
- I also talked to Sonja Mayer from yellow mint design about how to use art/image AI to improve processes
- Laura Liebisch from Capgemini Invent and Sven Heese from New Work Hub about the Game Changer Psychological Safety
- And finally – to sum it all up – with Tobias Krüger founder of Hello.Beta.
Hello.Beta GmbH
Hello.Beta, founded by Tobias Krüger, is a community focused on New Work and organizational transformation. With over 300 members, it brings together professionals interested in innovative work practices and agile methodologies. The platform facilitates idea exchange, learning, and events like bar camps, fostering a collaborative environment for exploring modern workplace dynamics.
You’ll learn:
- How to build resilient organizational structures and cultures
- How to lead effectively across different generations
- How to create space for honest discussion and emotion
- What art AI tools you can use to improve your process
- and what the importance of psychological safety in workplaces is
- Adrians LinkedIn Profile
- Tobias LinkedIn Profile
- Elonas LinkedIn Profile
- Laras LinkedIn Profile
- Nicolas LinkedIn Profile
- Katharinas LinkedIn Profile
- Sonjas LinkedIn Profile
- Lauras LinkedIn Profile
- Svens LinkedIn Profile
- Hello.Beta Hub
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Please note that the transcript was generated automatically and only slightly adjusted. It does not claim to be a perfect transcription.
Yeah, welcome to episode 40 of the New Process Podcast. Wow, it’s already episode 40, and that’s why this is going to be something special today. It’s not just one interview, we are going to have seven interviews in a row, seven interviews with fascinating people I met at the so-called Hello Beta live event. Hello Beta is a community with a focus on new work and transformation, founded by Tobias Krüger, whom I also spoke to. Tobias Krüger has been working for the Auto Group in various positions during the last 10 years, finally leading a huge corporate culture project before he started Hello Beta. Hello Beta currently has more than 300 members, people from all kinds of organizations interested in new ways of working and transformation. And finally, it was time to meet in person, and I could not miss this opportunity to collect new ideas to rethink processes.
The event was structured as a bar camp, which means that the focus was fully on the topics the community is interested, in same as on day two of the new process conference next year, so participants could attend sessions that members of the community had pre-registered. This gave the chance to choose exactly what you were interested in and then discuss this with the and fellow participants, all on the topic of new work and transformation. As a result, there were 8 stages with over 25 sessions and 150 participants in total. After the sessions in the evening, I was able to speak to some of the session s about their topics and their learnings, and this is going to be the content of today’s episode. So I’m speaking with Adrian Gerigk, the moderator of the event, Lara Hahn and Nicolas Stemmler about the importance of resilience systems. Both are consultants at iOS, the Institute for Organization Development and Systemic Consulting in Hamburg. I’m talking to Leona Holzbecher from Siemens Health in Years about leading across generations.
Talking to Katharina Pletl about three simple questions on how a transformation really hurts. Katharina is working at AKDB, an institution for municipal data processing in Bavaria. I also talked to Sonja Maier from Yellow Mint Design about how to use art or image AI to improve processes. I’m talking to Laura Liebisch from Capgemini in Vent and Sven Heese from New Work Hub about the game changer, psychological safety. And finally, to sum it all up, with Tobias Krüger, the founder of Hello Beta. So in this episode, you’ll learn how to build resilient organizational structures and cultures, how to lead effectively across different generations, how to create space for honest discussions and emotions, what art AI tools you can use to improve your process and what the importance of psychological safety in workplaces is. So enjoy the interviews with these awesome people.
Adrian, it’s great to have you here in New Process Podcast. You were the , the moderator of today’s event and it was absolutely awesome how you moderated the whole day in an authentic way, with humor, and I really love what you did. But can you quickly introduce yourself and provide an overview of today’s event? How did the agenda look like, and so on?
Mirko, first of all, thanks for having me and thanks for the feedback. Yeah, really appreciate that. For me, right now we’re past the event time, so we will head to the after party soon and I’m really happy about that, as you can tell. So, yeah, today was a big event for me, especially because I kind of designed this whole bar camp and I was in charge of the session acquisition, for example, and how everything like dramaturgic-wise built on top of each other and, yeah, that was super interesting and we have the coolest thing ever because we have a community which is super authentic. You don’t have to mask when you’re on stage, for example. And, of course, I was super nervous, as I told you before, that’s what you did and not have heard before but I was super nervous and I knew at a specific point that, yeah, there are a lot of authentic people in front of me. And your question was what I did before and when I would introduce myself.
I started as a sound designer. So I started, yeah, super different, I would say, in a different environment and, yeah, it was all about sounds, music, pleasing customers, for example. And then it kind of changed and I met a different company. It was Otto and I started in, yeah, cultural change, because I met Toby, my manager now and my manager before, if that is the correct term. I think we’re on an eye level which is amazing to me and which I love. And, yeah, and we have this vision about community, that we try to create a room for people to exchange, talk about different topics referring to digital transformation, cultural change and that you have the possibility to talk about things that are annoying you, for example, and I received a lot of feedback to today’s bar camp about yeah, amazing, we have this kind of, yeah, small peer groups in similar positions and we’re experiencing the exact same things in different companies, and that’s what it’s about. It’s about different perspectives, different point of views, but you have a similar playground yeah, super fascinating.
I just can recommend to all our listeners, if there will be a second edition of this event, they definitely have to go there. So that was super cool, amazing. And my question now is what is your key learning or your top recommendation to our listeners with regards to the whole environment, the event, the content you learn? So what is your key learning?
Yeah, great question. I think it’s. I think I need to let it sink in for at least two or three weeks because I think then I could give you a better answer. But I think it’s to be aware that you are in the bubble first of all, that you have I already told you a lot of like minded people, a lot of people who are in like, might, might be in higher positions, leading positions, and that you are like kind of kind of special and that you need to be aware of your bubble first of all. And on the other side, we had people who were super aware and we’re communicating about that fact and that kind of created a super, super authentic yeah, as I told you before, super authentic a room to talk about things, to say, okay, yeah, you can, you can tell that in your kind of position, but have you thought about that? How is it in a different way? And on the other hand side, it was like yeah, we’re talking about like real things that are happening right now.
Let’s talk about digitalization, what it means, emotional wise. Are we good at digital transformation or is it not happening in a good way right now? Do we need to focus on social transformation afterwards and that was, for me, one of the biggest learnings, or Ah ha moments I think that I don’t know if that’s the correct term in English, sorry for that, but yeah, like clicking moments to think about. So are we good at digital transformation? Is that the way to go, or do we need a social transformation? And how far can we go with social transformation? And how can we discuss emotions at work, for example? For example, if you experience a lot of experiencing loss, can you debate about that at work? Or yeah, what kind of room and environment do you create? And I think we made a good first step to create this kind of room. It’s not what we created. It’s it was all about the people. It was all about the people who were there and made it happen to have this kind of atmosphere.
And sorry for not answering directly perfect and I think it’s perfect introduction of this episode. So we’re now going to talk to some of the session s and try to find out what they shared with the community and I’m already really looking forward to the next beta life event.
Hopefully there will be one Addion. Thank you so much, and now you can enjoy the after show party. So see you there. Yeah, lara, niklas, after intense day, I’d say it’s great to have you here to talk about your learnings, why you were here. But first would be super cool if you quickly introduce yourself who you are, for what company you’re working, and then we go deeper into the content.
Yeah, thank you for having us. I’m Laura. I’m a business psychologist working as a systemic consultant and we’re coming from an organization that works on organizational development. So we Work with all kind of people, an organization that want to transform themselves, or they have Topics about leadership, coaching, so that’s all kind of things that we do. And in that context, we’re here today to talk about resilience, because I think it’s very important that we look at how can we become more resilient in the world that we live in.
Yeah, the consultancy we’re working for is called in English it’s actually iOS. We are always, always getting confused in German with the, with the software, but it’s actually it’s EOS in German. But, yeah, that’s where we work for. I’m an organizational psychologist as well and, but actually part time. The other half of the week I am producing content myself and I’m producing YouTube videos for psychology, because but not organizational psychology, more psychology in general, like biases, how we think as humans, and maybe what, what makes it, what makes a happy life, and, yeah, topics like that. So I I have the passion for science.
Yeah, I saw that already on your LinkedIn profile when we connected a few hours ago. That’s super interesting. Maybe we can do a solo set episode on that somewhere later in the future. But you already said you were talking about resilience, so what was the session about?
Maybe I can start. We started with just like 15 minutes input Because we have gone through many, many businesses, many companies and with our topic resilience, as a duo actually, and in the late night session and concepting for for a client, we were just how can we, how can we condense our information, how can we put it just in one picture? So we actually created kind of a model. Maybe maybe you can say it, maybe just support for, for thinking about resilience in a more holistic way. So it’s in the middle it is about the mindset, then the behavior and the context. So in which context are we? In which which mindset do we use to position ourselves and which behavior are we showing, or which behavior are we showing purposefully? So yeah, just giving an overview about that and then jumping right in a discussion with all the great minds here at hello beta.
Yeah, cool, and what will you say? What are the three top recommendations, based on your experience, which you would share with our listeners here?
So hard top three. Well, first, I think, as Nicholas just said, if we look at our mindset and our behavior, a very simple trick is that you have the choice. So you have a choice which mindset you choose and you also have a choice of what behavior you choose. So in a daily business, you know you have stress is coming in your, you experience a lot of stress and we tend to Go into behavior that is not very helpful. So we stay late at night at work and then we have problem sleeping and then we down a bottle of wine and then it’s just kind of goes from there.
But we can take a conscious choice to do something different and to choose a behavior that is more helpful in stressful times. And then I think a second one is really to start talking about resilience in teams and organizations. A lot of organizations give the responsibility to the individuals to say, okay, let’s do a workshop on resilience, that everyone, that the individual, can just become stronger with what we’re doing. And so I think it’s talking about it as a team, as an organization. What can we do on on all different levels? On like a cultural level how are we being with each other? But also on like a structural and a process level, and I think that’s where we need to start making decisions that are resilient for a team or an organization as a whole.
Yeah, just just been asking myself what to add, but maybe looking at context, because this is really our main message, not only looking at individuals and looking at the bigger picture, at the organizations. I think it’s always helpful to look at the distinction between the three levels of processes, structures and culture, and just just looking at it and at each level, what can make systems and organizations more resilient? And, for example, at cultures. Culture, it’s like we have the culture where we, where it’s okay to maybe be sick or just not taking an appointment, for example, if you’re sick and so, but that’s okay and there is and people understand it, for example, or it’s it’s just normal, it’s casual to just ask for help, for example. This, this makes resilient culture.
Just just to example, the structure, which, which structures do we have? Like? Is there maybe, for example, if I’m sick or if I’m just completely overloaded and that’s way way too much to handle for just one person? Is there a structure of two, three or four people who have the same knowledge and the same yeah, the same knowledge about the client, but also knowledge about their expertise, to just jump in and and take the role or take the the client, for example, and the last, the last level, the processes like which. Which processes are there which can help and make us more resilient? And actually Lara has a pretty good example.
Are you just hoping? I have a good example. And I think if we look at processes, it’s a lot about what do we do with our information. So how are we set up? Even if we look at it for example, how do the processes work? Can we look in previous tickets? Do we know what’s happened before? That makes it easier for every individual to kind of step into the process at any given time.
So if someone quits, for example, as an organization, someone might be gone just the next day. We’ve all maybe experienced it Garden leave, ah, yeah, gone. What do we do? Do we need to rebuild all the knowledge in the organization or can we actually connect there? And do we have processes that help us to retain information and to, in a way, make our work easier or prevent it from being very stressful? And I think we could probably go on and on about examples that we all know and in every working reality the processes mean something different. I think for us it’s maybe we don’t have PowerPoint, so we paint all the flip charts and we draw them ourselves every time for every workshop, and sometimes we think because it looks pretty and it’s very nice, it’s personal, but sometimes we could. Maybe one day we just start and have it in a different form so that we can take it, and it doesn’t. It makes it easier, especially if you have full calendars and a lot of work going on.
Wow, super cool. Thank you for these insights and I think it’s definitely worth to have separate episodes on this in the future. So thank you very much. Have a great evening here. Enjoy the beer and the party. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks, Leona. You ed a session on leading across generations. I found that super interesting, but can you tell us a little bit more about who you are and what the session was about?
Yeah, it was about leading across generations and the importance for leaders to consider what are the needs that different generations have in their teams. Because right now, like the workforce is multi-generational, so we have all four big generations represented in the teams and we all know from personal experiences that sometimes the needs, the work mentality and also what they expect from each other are so different, and when someone is not having the same expectations or when needs are not fulfilled, what happens are conflicts. So I’m often saying hey, when you have conflicts in your teams, leaders, please consider what are the different generational needs and train yourself to lead across generations. And I think this topic is getting even more and more important in the next years because in the next seven to 10 years, so many baby boomers are leaving the workforce, which means that we need, so until then, before they left, we need to bring them together so that they cross collaborate. So that’s why I think we should prioritize it.
That’s super interesting. I actually just had a conversation on that yesterday with a BPM tool vendor and that’s a topic I never thought about. So I’m born 1981. So beginning of generation Y, still close to X, and I never really realized the difference between the generation when I grew up, but now it’s becoming more and more obvious and I’d love to learn more on that. So what are your top three recommendations to take into account based on your experience?
So I think I always look on the perspective of what makes leaders effective actually, and then I try to put that into the context of multi-generational leadership. So there are four, four most important skills that make leaders really effective. And the first one is the purposeful vision that leaders need to communicate. So if you are able to communicate, purposeful and visionary, you are a very good leader. And I always say leaders when you want to communicate, do not just communicate, please communicate. Target a group oriented and consider the needs of the different generations. We all know that different generations use different channels, they use different words. Use the words to attract and to bring your vision to the different generations. Then the second very important skill is effective team collaboration. So when a leader is able to bring the team into a collaborative mood, then they are very effective leaders.
And I always say what can you do to bring team members of different generations together? You need to understand their work mentality. So ask your team and especially let them discuss in the team what does work mean for you, what is your work mentality and what do you need? Then the third very important skill is emotional intelligence. We all know that this is becoming even more important nowadays and emotional intelligence. We just have learned that today, when you want to be very empathic, especially in leading, you especially need to understand your own biases, your own feelings, your own triggers. So I often say to leaders please consider your own biases about the different generations when you are in contact with them, because that affects everything, because when we are triggered, we are working on autopilot and then we are not very productive. Yeah, I would say that are my three most important life hacks for leaders.
Wow, super interesting, and I still remember the meditation you did at the end of the session. So maybe we can do a solo episode on this in the future, with a deep dive into the differences of the generations and how to especially apply that to processes and, yeah, elaborate on that, and maybe we can also do a podcast meditation Should be possible. So thank you very much, enjoy the after show party and thank you for being here. Katerina, you ed a session on three simple questions on how it transformation really hurts, so can you please quickly introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about the session? What was it all about?
My name is Katarina and I’m working in the team for a strategy people in culture.
I think it’s quite important that we combine those three topics because when it’s about the, the strategic issues, and when we talk about what we should do in the company, we we should never forget the people and also what culture brings into all the conversations and our collaboration.
So that was one of the key aspects I tried to transport in my session. And another thing and you already mentioned that it should hurt or that it might hurt I think that we can only have a true transformation if we are honest to each other, if we are true to ourselves. So, no matter if we are leaders or any kind of transformation managers or employees, or I think it’s that’s true for any person that wants to change something we need to speak up and in the moment we are really honest to each other. There is always potential to also that it hurts, that we have to reflect what’s the next step and, yeah, I think that it’s a combination of being honest and speak it out, then to have, like, maybe some frustrating moments, but those frustrating moments are very important for our change projects or transformation, because if we don’t have those frustration moments. We will probably not change, because change begins with every single person.
So what are these three simple questions?
It’s why, what and how.
Simple questions but definitely hard to answer.
Yes, it’s very difficult. Well let me turn it around. If you start with how, it’s quite easy. Or with what? Because I think it’s most easiest to answer the question what? Because everyone knows what he or she is doing, or they maybe at work, or wherever.
And then I think we also can quite precisely explain how we do things. But when it comes to the why, then that’s what I learned in the last few years Quite hard to answer that question, also for myself why should our company be there the next years? What’s the purpose? We learned in our transformation program, or in the whole process of transformation, that it’s very, very important to start with the why. Sam and Sinek always tell us so yeah, but if you’re trying to figure out what’s the people’s why and if they understand maybe the company’s purpose, then the answers to the questions of what or how will change, and I think that’s a very, very important thing for transformation.
Absolutely. I talk a lot about process purpose. Why do we have this specific process? And that’s super powerful, that’s cool. Thank you very much. And what are your top three recommendations, based on your experiences, to take into account?
Well, it’s the honesty. Honestly, it’s the honesty. I already said that, but I think that’s most important and I think if you’re doing such a format, if you’re doing any method within a transformation process, then you always have to set the stage for the participants to allow them to be honest. They need to feel that it’s okay to talk. Yeah, no bullshit.
But yeah emotion is a very, very important thing in this context. So if someone’s crying in such a session, I think that might be a good sign not always, but it can be something really powerful for the whole group. And well, another thing is also that you need to give people the room to discuss, so not only the honesty, but also the time that the management gives the company the time to reflect and also to discuss on the topics, to grow, to learn. I think that was the core message I wanted to share with the participants in the session Katarina thank you so much for your insights Super interesting.
Maybe we can deep dive sometime in the future in a separate episode. Until you were sharing today, but for today, enjoy the aftershow party. Thank you very much for being here. Bye-bye, actually, I was immediately triggered when I heard about the session how to use art or image AI to improve processes. I’m thinking a lot about how to rethink processes and I had to go into this session that’s why I’m super happy to have you here, sonja, to tell us a little bit more about how to use art AI or image AI to improve processes. So could you just quickly introduce who you are and what the session was about?
Sure, I’m Sonja and I’m a graphic designer with main focus on user experience, and we work AI image generator or art generator to speed up our processes, to work with our clients. They have mostly no idea what they want, so we pitch ideas and it’s super easy to visualize those ideas and that’s what we do with AI. So we do the magic. I always say it’s like we cast a spell to the AI generators and if we do so, the AI mostly do all the magic.
Okay. So, with regards to improving processes, you’re basically improving your process of creating images for your customers to generate ideas, and then you take these recommendations and create the final images. Is that correct?
Okay, perfect, and what are your top three recommendations based on what you’re doing to our listeners?
You always have to learn how to prompt and you learn with every project you do and every bit a generation AI is different, so it’s kind of a language you learn. You talk to the AI and that’s what we do.
Isn’t that somehow spooky to talk to the AI?
Well, I’m always nice to it. No, it’s simply a tool that helps us to get faster, better, and we don’t need to work with we love to. But we don’t need to have to work with lots of freelancers. We can do most of the work by ourselves. We don’t have to talk to many people about our ideas they understand something else, and so on, so it makes work for us pretty easy.
One final question Do you have a recommendation on which tool to use, or is there one single tool you would recommend, or different tools?
We use mid-journey, that’s an AI generator, or we use Leonardo for more abstract variants of our pictures. And then there’s Adobe Firefly. Adobe Firefly is one of my favorites because you can do everything with it. So you want another background, with clouds or rain or something, you just type it in and it’s magic.
I definitely have to try it out. That’s super cool. So maybe if you follow my posts on LinkedIn, you will realize that there is magic happening in the future. Cool, sonja. Thank you so much for providing these insights and being our here. Now enjoy the aftershow party. Thank you very much. Welcome, laura and Sven. You both ed a session on game changer psychological safety. Can you just introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more what the session was really about?
Yeah, of course. So I’m Laura Liebesch. I have a very big interest in psychology, psychological factors, human factors on the workforce at work. I recently got into the project of Sven with psychological safety and, yeah, so it was a very spontaneous thing that we started, also outside of my comfort zone, as we just talked about. Sven just invited me to have this talk about psychological safety and I thought let’s do it.
Thanks for asking. I’m Sven. Sven is an organizational developer, strategic advisor. I worked for Volkswagen for nine years and there I had the chance to do an agile transformation from a classic hierarchy to an agile, self-organized network where I could abandon myself as a manager, and I dropped out of this company like three and a half years ago to do the same things with other companies, and I figured out that psychological safety is one of the key aspects to make these changes successful, and this is what we were talking about in our session. We had great examples from my history from companies who did it very well, such as Google or Pixar, and we also had examples from companies who didn’t do so well. You maybe all know the fails from Nokia or the diesel problems Volkswagen had. So there’s a big impact of this topic psychological safety and we will try to enlighten it from different perspectives.
Okay, perfect. And what are the key learnings based on your session you can share with the audience?
There are a lot of learnings that I’ve collected throughout the past weeks while preparing for this project.
I think one of the biggest ones is that psychological safety is a fundamental part to the work we do, especially knowledge intensive work. We need to create an environment where it is safe to make mistakes, safe to fail and also learn from these failures, and it is important to celebrate also failures. That’s what we’ve seen from some of the success stories that we also shared during the session that in companies where failures are celebrated, there tends to be greater learning and also greater innovation, and I think that is a very big learning. And, of course, how to establish psychological safety or how to foster it within a team. I think the biggest learning was that you can talk about it a lot, but you also have to have role models that you can follow. You need people to show it is okay to be vulnerable, it is okay to say hmm, at the moment I don’t know, or there’s also very, very important to have leaders who say, hey, I need to hear your perspective on this because, as a matter of fact, I am not an expert on this topic.
And I would like to add the business perspective of this, or like the reasoning why we should all look on psychological safety. There are many topics out there and many companies I talked to who really doubt about many things we’re talking about, like new ways of working, agile working, but, in contrast, psychological safety is really a thing. There are studies out there. There are examples of companies out there who really have proven that they could improve their way of working, improve their results, their financial KPIs, when adopting to these mythologies, to these ways of thinking and to this mindset on being psychological safe. And this is why we shouldn’t see it as a hype thing everybody is talking about, but instead of this is a real thing companies should focus on Super cool.
Thank you for these insights. We definitely have to dive deeper into that, but not today. So, enjoy the after show party. Thank you for being my today and have a great day, bye, bye. So we can’t finish this episode without having an interview with Toby, the , the founder of Hello Beta and the of this day of this event. Toby, can you just quickly introduce yourself and summarize what the day was about?
Actually, thanks for having me, for sure I do. Actually, I guess, from my perspective, the day is rather like not a day for us, but rather a day for the community. What we try to do is like creating safe space for people doing all the good stuff out there and bring these people together to inspire the people and also to share best practices and, let’s say, like creating learning environment. The world is so mean and evil and is so full of challenges that you really need some role models and you really need to see people solving problems and this and the true and really real way. Not always kind of bullshit stuff and always high glossy things and everything is working but nothing is functioning. But really people telling how they solve problems and also telling you what kind of pains they have suffered to overcome these kind of challenges. And this is what the whole day is about. Who are believing in a better future. What?
would you say what are your top three learnings from today’s session, or could also be overall of what you’re doing with Hello Beta?
First of all, it’s like to see how giving people are. Actually, we ed more than 25 sessions today and all of the people just did it to share something without getting money, without getting paid, just for really the pure purpose of let people learn from their own journey. This first thing. So the second thing is, like how many people are out there who are willing to do this kind of stuff? We’re totally sold out. We could have sold even more tickets because so many people are like, because I’m kind of desperate to be part of this kind of journey.
And the third thing I would say is just like how to say it in a good word? There are lots of people here who could have had the chance to create some business, trying to create some leads and trying to make all this kind of normal stuff you do on a fare or being on a back home. At least from my perspective, this did not have taken place at all. Nobody was running around saying this is my car and it was really the space for let’s develop together. This is something which I was not quite sure about, if people are really happening. So these are my big three ones.
Super cool. I just have to say big thank you to you to providing this platform with all these super interesting insights we had today. So I’m taking a lot of ideas home, so many cool contacts and topics we will definitely deep dive in afterwards. So thank you so much for being the and my here today.
Thank you very much. Thank you, bye, bye.
Wow, what a day. I hope you like this different kind of format. For me, it was really inspiring to participate in all these sessions and to talk to the session s afterwards in person. So recording interviews in person was a completely new experience for me and I really like that. Hopefully there will be more in person interviews in the future as well.
So some topics were really new to me. For example, I wasn’t aware of the connection between the different generations and processes, maybe because I was born in 1981, probably in the middle of all generations right now, and that’s why I’m not so much aware of differences. But I’ll try to invite Leona to a separate episode to deep dive into this topic because I’m really interested in that and the effects of the different generations on to process and how to take that into account. I also really like the three questions on why, how, what for sure and how to use these to get people involved, and it totally reminded me of my own experiences at Lufthansa Group when I was leading the Zukunft Container project, which was a cultural change project. And yeah, in the end now I’m here with newproslapcom fighting for processes, fighting to inspire people, and they’re asking especially the why question is so important it sometimes can really hurt, but it’s so powerful. So a lot of interesting topics and I hope to record some more episodes with these experts to deep dive into their areas of expertise and to get new ideas on how to rethink processes in the future.
Maybe you can tell me which topic was most interesting to you. Just send me an email to mirko at newproslapcom, or message me on LinkedIn with your favorite topic. That will be super cool To give you an outlook on what is coming up. I just started to evaluate the results of my BPM topics 2024 survey, so a big thank you to all of you who have taken the survey and posted their topics. There is going to be a whole episode on the results at the end of December. In addition, we’ll have another expert interview coming up at the beginning of December and a long, long, very long pipeline of cool s for 2024. But for now, thank you much for listening. Have a great day. Bye, bye.
This is going to be one of the first to sign up for whatever is coming up, so have a great day, bye, bye.