
14 Top Expert Tips for Process Modelers

14 Top Expert Tips for Process Modelers

A few weeks ago, I shared my favorite tip for Process Modelers on LinkedIn and asked the New Process Community to share their advice too. Within hours, a list of expert tips was created and I thought it might help to summarize these great tips and make them accessible. – And here they are! 🚀

14 Top Expert Tips for Process Modelers

#014: I bring the experience from the entire New Process community to share with you 14 top expert tips for process modelers with you.

Learn more about how the tool Skore helps to rethink processes

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How Skore supports you to rethink processes with Craig J Willis

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My key learnings from the interview with Ole Tillmann on how to pitch processes

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How to pitch your process with Ole Tillmann from PEAK Creative Leadership

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How to build a process community that brings a process to life

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How to build a process community with Miikka Leinonen from Ghost Community

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My three pieces of advice to push your BPM ahead

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