AI – Threat or Chance for human-centric BPM

In the latest episode of the New Process Podcast I talked to Benjamin Dehant about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on processes. It was very interesting and I learned a lot about this topic.

Here is one of his main suggestions on how he thinks AI can support BPM:

AI can certainly bring many benefits for BPM, for example:

  • You can “upload” your process and ask for suggestion to improve it
  • You can focusing on quality by automating simpler tasks by AI and being more responsive to staff needs
  • If you share your processes with an AI bot, every employee could ask questions at any time and provide feedback that can be implemented immediately
  • You can use it as an “live co pilot” – for brainstorming, for research, it might help with things you didn’t think of at first

But for now, as Benjamin said, there are limitations: on the one hand, this is good because the human-centered approach is not threatened, but on the other hand, an AI-generated process model will miss the joint process of creating a common picture and to use this for the transformation.

However, with such a fast growing development, it is all the more important to deal with it now and to be able to act early.

Besides dealing with it, here are some main tipps from Benjamin for using AI:

  • How to start: Log in to and find use cases, for example by asking questions like “Thats my job, what can you do for me?”
  • Then, step by step, add new tasks and keywords – also for process modeling – to have more control over the outcome
  • The more information the AI receives, the better the results
  • Just try to use it before judging it – in best case it can be a real co-pilot to you
  • In addition to using ChatGPT, see also for other tools.

I find it super exciting and will definitely stay tuned to the topic, because Benjamin has shown me once again how important it is to deal with AI. I look forward to your feedback on the topic!

What do you think?


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