Am I just tired, or is this burnout?

I remember very well moments when I wondered whether I was just tired, or whether it was burnout. 🥱

Fortunately, it has always been enough for me to get a good night’s sleep. But I’ve had a few colleagues where that didn’t help.

However, I’ve never thought about how I can contribute to avoiding burnout in my work on processes. But the podcast episode with Prof. Dr. Eugene Bogodistov already opened my eyes and gave me some great ideas.

Now, I would like to invite you to the Live Session on New Process Pro, where we can dive even deeper into the topic.

And I am very pleased that not only Eugene will be an expert in the session, but also his co-author Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moormann from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

So take the chance to learn more about how BPM can help prevent burnout and discuss your specific questions.

If you are not yet registered with New Process Pro, you can do so for free here.

I look forward to meeting you in the session.

Have a fantastic start to the new week! ðŸš€

Best regards,


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