This is a benchmark for process communication

In December, I had the honor of traveling to Canon Germany in Krefeld and spending two days with Helga Schiermeier. Helga is responsible for the BPM initiative at Canon and let me in on the depths of her activities.

On site, I was able to talk to many employees and process owners about processes and experience how well the topic has already been embraced by the organization.

Even the CEO, Rainer Führes, took the time to talk about BPM and convinced me that he understood how fundamental a process-oriented management approach is to mastering today’s challenges.

It was super exciting to talk about Canon’s activities and to give Helga my feedback on what opportunities I see to get to the next level.

An absolute benchmark is Helga’s videocast “Processes & more” in which she regularly talks to process owners and experts about the various processes.

In this way, she personally creates transparency for all employees on the subject of processes and provides entertaining insights into BPM activities. This creates trust, inspires and empowers! Absolutely exemplary.

Exceptionally, there is now also an externally available edition of this series and I am delighted that I was able to be her guest for it:


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