How to bring New Process to life
#003: Discover how the New Process Life Cycle and its underlying role concept enable you to bring New Process into reality.
#003: Discover how the New Process Life Cycle and its underlying role concept enable you to bring New Process into reality.
Within the past few days, I have had several conversations about process maturity. Many organizations have modeled their processes and are now asking themselves, where do we go from here? How do we get to the next level?
Here are my three recommendations!
I still remember the times when no one wanted to take ownership of processes and processes took on a life of their own apart from the actual business. Process ownership was a responsibility that no one wanted and that was not valued at all. Does that sound familiar to you?
The sustainable implementation of a process management role concept belongs to the fundamentals of an excellent process management in every organization. – But how can a sustainable implementation look like?